The Appearing of Christ 20 – Manifest Sonship

“For the earnest expectation of the creation eagerly waits for the manifestation of the sons of God” (Rom. 8:19)

God is preparing a people who are being formed into the full and ultimate expression of the kingdom of God. This is what manifest sonship is all about. Yet, this plan of God remains hidden from many today. Perhaps obscured by the common end time teachings of the day, many look past Romans 8:19 failing to grasp the great mystery hidden there. Paul who wrote those inspired words knew God’s great plan of manifesting the Son in Him. He declared: “But when it pleased God, who separated me from my mother’s womb, and called me by his grace, to reveal His Son in me…” (Gal. 1:15-16). It is to this end that God is calling us all.

Sonship is an altogether different dimension and experience with our Father. Sonship is not a sermon series, it’s not a set of statements of faith, it’s not a reform one makes to their denominational creeds or programs. Sonship is a change in heart; a transformation in nature. It’s a divine awakening to the indwelling Christ and a catching up to a higher dimension and reality in Him. It is a spiritual experience where a new consciousness begins to take hold. It is a standing where one’s hearts is opened and illuminated to know and walk in the divine will of God. It is where one becomes about Father, becoming a partaker of His heart for all mankind.

In line with this, I quote from the inspired pen of brother Kassa Keraga who writes (I translate): “Sonship is being – it is a nature. Sonship is only translated in one’s walk – in life. Sonship magnifies the Father above all else, even over his own life and makes Him the law of his life. At all times and in all circumstances, a son submits himself to fulfil the Father’s will. A son does not have his own ‘free will’! A son is born to joyfully live for the divine will of God. Sonship is not for profit or for accomplishing soulish visions. The ‘ministry’ of sonship is one of lowliness and humility. The more a son ministers, the more he is given over to death – ministering unto the death of the cross. Sonship is so devoted to the Father’s will that he will carry the wood for his own sacrifice and bear his cross – his nature is consumed on the altar and his smoke rises to his Father. When the smoke of the son rises, the sanctuary of the Father will be filled with the smolder of His glory. A son does not live on miracles. But God lives in him. Is a son not one who has finished the labor of the soul? You will not rule as a son, but you will serve. A son only does the work of the Father until Father fills all.”

As highlighted in my last message, there is a great different between a child and a son. A child is born but a son is developed. There is no shame in being a child. It is said even of Jesus that “the child grew” (Luk. 2:40). However, the problem arises when one remains a child, refusing to be weaned off mother’s milk. Talking, thinking and understanding like a child become abnormal when one persists in them well into adulthood. In the natural, psychologists refer to this as developmental disorder. It is the consequence of various physiological and mental impairments including: language disorders, learning disorders, and motor disorders. Spiritually, one of the indicators of such disorder is refusing to leave mother’s house; depending on mother for nurture, provision and support.

In Abraham’s time, children remained on mother’s side of the tent. On a few occasions we read of “Sarah’s tent” (Gen. 24:67). In the tradition of those times, the tents were said to be divided into two, and sometimes three compartments by curtains made of goat’s hair. One compartment was for the men, which also served as the reception room. Beyond this was the compartment for the women and children. And sometimes there was a third section for servants or for cattle.

Mother’s side was where children were raised. While on father’s side, maturing sons who had come of age would sit at the table and discuss father’s business, father’s plan, father’s way. But as long as the child was not matured enough to understand and partake in those things, they remained at mother’s side of the tent under guardianship of stewards. “Now I say that the heir, as long as he is a child, does not differ at all from a slave, though he is master of all, but is under guardians and stewards until the time appointed by the father” (Gal. 4:1-2).

There are multitudes of Christians today who are heirs of Christ but who reside in the comfort of mother’s house. If it is not evident already, mother’s house is whatever your spiritual background or affiliation is, be it charismatic, Baptist, Lutheran, Assembly of God, non-denominational, Methodist, Presbyterian, etc. In mother’s house we look for God outside of us. In mother’s house the emphasis is on gifts and blessings. In mother’s house there is constant encouragement and nurture. In mother’s house we depend on our guardians and from them we pick up many habits and traditions. In mother’s house there is much play and entertainment to keep us engaged and happy.

Jesus said: “but to what shall I liken this generation? It is like children sitting in the marketplaces and calling to their companions, and saying: ‘We played the flute for you, and you did not dance; we mourned to you, and you did not lament.’” (Mat. 11:16-17). The children sat in the assembly place (Agora: marketplace) to play games. They play wedding blowing their flutes. They play funeral pretending to mourn. But, they are rather disappointed in their companions who refuse to play along.

How does Jesus’ parable apply to our day? I see in the children sitting in the assembly my fellow brothers and sisters who congregate in the church system. There they play various games. They play Christmas, they play Easter, they occupy themselves in programs, conferences, seminars and entertain themselves with concerts, dramas, motivational talks, guest speakers, sports tournaments, parties, picnics, building fund drives, award banquets, so-called prayer breakfasts and countless other activities. As harmless as all these may seem, each supplants something of the pureness and glory of the Spirit of Christ. Few realize how much the harlot system of religion has weakened their spiritual vitality leaving them in spiritual poverty, void of understanding of the high and holy purposes of God.

Engage with such folks in a conversation that has any spiritual depth and they’ll quickly lose interest or they’ll throw a temper tantrum on things they do not understand. Anyone who has ever attempted to hold a serious conversation with a child can agree that one has to contend with their short attention span, restlessness, disinterest, and incessant boredom. Paul sates: “when I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child; but when I became a man, I put away childish things” (1 Cor. 13:11).

We will only leave behind all our childish ways when we begin to hear Father’s invitation to his side of the tent. Today, few have heard Father’s voice to “come out of her, my people” (Rev. 18:4) and “come up here” (Rev. 4:1). But, only in hearing that voice will we be empowered to leave behind all the religious forms and orders we have ever known. No longer will we defend those childish dogmas we once embraced. Father’s voice will shake the heavens and earth that have been erected in our life. If this resonates in your spirit, rest in Him for His voice will surely come to draw you higher.

Dear saint, are you not tired of dwelling in Sarah’s tent all these years? Notice that the arrangement of the dwelling tents resembled the tent of the Tabernacle of Moses which was also one tent with two compartments divided by veils. These compartments signify realms of our spiritual progressions from the Holy Place to the Most Holy. God is now calling some to move on from the realm of Pentecost. The realm and experience of Pentecost is over; its fire has fizzled out. What remains are a few scraps and leftovers which the clergy gather up, clean, dress and present on a silver platter to their congregation. I for one can’t feed on that anymore, it can’t sustain me. From my own experience in mother’s house, I can frankly tell you how tired and weary I grew with the same old messages, year after year. In every “alive” church I attended, whatever the city, I found the same condition; famished saints who rejoiced over yesterday’s manna.

When a believer remains stagnant in their spiritual understanding of the divine purposes of God, they become separated from fully knowing and walking out the will of God. One cannot be divorced from the will of God and also manifest His nature. Today, many will find countless reasons to justify their spiritual comfort zone. ‘I’m saved, I love the Lord, I serve in my church, I raise godly children, I pray every day, I attend a good church, I lead a bible study, I have a good pastor.’ This in a nutshell is their Christianity. But, as He did to the rich young ruler, I can hear Jesus saying: “go sell all you have and come follow me”. Much like them, the young man had been a “good Christian”, he had kept the commandments from his youth. But one thing remained; to carry his cross and follow the Lord, leaving behind the confines of the religious order in which, admittedly, he had flourished. Only in bearing our cross and going forth to Him outside the camp can we be identified with Christ (Heb. 13:12-13).

If you have received the call to sonship, you will be stirred by Father who says to you: go sell all you have – sell your utilitarian Christianity, go sell your expedient denominational gatherings, go sell your traditions and false doctrines, go sell your soul-energized Christianity, go sell all the placks you’ve put up on the walls of your heart about your Christian exploits, go sell all that you’ve grown accustomed to in mother’s house and come sit at my side. Sonship will cost you all, it will cost you your status, your standing in your religious circle, it will cost you your denominational privileges, it will cost you your precious fellowships. God is not interested in manifesting good Christians. He is in interested in revealing His Son in you. The two are not synonymous. There is a vast difference between impersonating Christ and being in the image of Christ.

In snonship, all the labor of the soul ends as Father draws you into Himself. He calls you no longer to do but to be – to be as He is. Then everything else will follow. But first, He must make you rest from all your religious frenzy so you can find the essence and reality of your life in Him. He brings you into the silence of His presence so that you can start to hear that still small voice.

“O Lord, revive Your work in the midst of the years, in the midst of the years make it known” (Hab. 3:2).


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